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Olney center

Sinus Lift Surgery - Olney, MD

Elevate Your Dental
Safely and Effectively

Reclaim Your Confidence
with Sinus Lifts

Maxillary sinuses are located above the upper jaw’s teeth, and tooth loss or proximity to the sinuses can result in insufficient bone for dental implants. A sinus lift, a complex bone grafting procedure, can address this issue by creating a stable foundation for new teeth.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, experts in facial anatomy, bone grafting, and surgical techniques like Dr. Anis Tebyanian, are the ideal professionals for this procedure. He can restore bone height and density, even after substantial loss, due to various causes. If you require a sinus lift in Olney, MD, consider consulting our experienced oral surgeon at Olney Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Benefits Of A Sinus Lift

The Benefits of a Sinus Lift

  • Enhanced support for a stronger foundation for dental implants
  • Improved aesthetics
  • Enhanced chewing function
  • Prevention of sinus complications
  • Improved overall oral health

Personalized Sinus Lift Surgery

Lateral Sinus Lift

Lateral Sinus Lift

Lateral sinus lift surgery is a specialized procedure designed to augment the bone volume in the upper jaw’s posterior region, enabling successful dental implant placement. During the surgery, Dr. Anis Tebyaninan carefully accesses the sinus membrane through a lateral window in the jawbone, creating space for bone graft material. This graft material promotes bone regeneration, ultimately providing a stable foundation for dental implants, and restoring your ability to chew and smile confidently.

Vertical SInus Lift

Vertical SInus Lift

Vertical sinus lift surgery is a precise dental procedure to increase the bone height in the upper jaw’s posterior area to facilitate secure dental implant placement. In this surgery, Dr. Tebyanian creates a small access point in the jawbone and gently lifts the sinus membrane upward. The bone graft material is inserted beneath the membrane to encourage new bone growth, allowing for stable implant anchorage and restoring dental function and aesthetics. Vertical sinus lift surgery is a reliable solution for patients with limited bone height in the upper jaw.

American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Adventist Health Care
MedStar Health
Olney chamber of commerce logo
George Mason
Stony Brook
Northwell Health